Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fire at the Futuro

Sometimes I realise living a life with a pretty much 100% news ban isn't such a good thing.

Like today at work, when I glanced at a Canberra Times left on the kitchen table and
saw this

What? There was a fire at the Dickson observatory?!

I took hope from the fact they didn't mention
the Futuro House included in the complex.

And, when I got home, I saw this photo:
(Photo by Bert Robinson)

Which gives me hope that the Futuro might be safe.

No, I don't know for sure. I'm too scared to walk the three blocks and find out the truth.

Maybe in the morning?

In the meantime I can dream of owning my very own model Futuro House:
Except all the information I have on them, I now realise. was on my stolen laptop.


Maybe I should just make my own?

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